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Publications by UO Historians: Vera Keller

Science and the Shape of Things to Come, a special issue of Early Science and Medicine 21:5 (2016)

A special issue co-edited by Vera Keller on the history of projects, resulting from a 2012 international conference on that topic that was co-organized by Keller and Ted McCormick (Concordia University, Montreal), has appeared in the journal Early Science of Medicine.

The modern world would be unthinkable without the category of the “project” and yet the history of this idea, and genre, is surprisingly brief and contentious.

The volume includes an introduction by Vera and her co-editor, Ted McCormick, on the history of the idea of “projects,” “Towards a History of Projects,” Early Science and Medicine 21:5 (2016), 423-444

Other recent works by Vera Keller include:

Art Lovers and Scientific Virtuosi? The Philomathia of Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) in Context,Nuncius 31:3 (2016), 523 – 548. In this piece, Keller examines the long-standing view of the virtuoso as the pre-modern form of the scientist, based on English historiography, through comparison with a Central European case in which art, science, love and virtue were related differently.

“‘A Political Fiat Lux’. Wilhem von Schroeder (1640-1688) and the Co-production of Chymical and Political Oeconomy,” in ‘Eigennutz’ und ‘gute Ordnung’: Ökonomisierungen der Welt im 17. Jahrhundert, Sandra Richter and Guillaume Garner, eds. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016), 353-378.

This article studies the work of Wilhelm von Schroeder, a German Fellow of the English Royal Society, an important early industrialist, economic writer, and alchemist, exploring the interrelationship between von Schroeder’s writing on alchemy and his thinking about the economy, and in particular, the various “paper tools” he developed to visualize and manipulated economic data and projects.