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Digital Humanities on Visualizing the Mediterranean

Hayley Brazier interviews Lindsey Mazurek, assistant professor of ancient history, about the Mediterranean Connectivity Initiative—a project focused on globalization around the Mediterranean Sea.

You can listen to the podcast of Visualizing the Mediterranean: A Conversation with Professor Lindsey Mazurek at DH@UO.

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The Mediterranean Connectivity

The Mediterranean Connectivity Initiative, formerly known as the Ostia Connectivity Project, “combines GIS and Social Network Analysis to reconstruct potential social groupings and their participation in the urban fabric of Rome’s main port city of Ostia.” Lindsey Mazurek co-directs this project with other experts on archaeology and social history. Mazurek is a specialist in ancient history with a focus on the eastern Mediterranean under the Roman Empire. She is also interested in questions of globalization and social networks in the Mediterranean.


Digital Humanities at the University of Oregon (DH@UO) is a campus group working to develop the growing interdisciplinary field of digital humanities by building an inclusive community of digital humanities teachers and scholars. The DH@UO website and weekly blog includes scholarly resources, announcements about workshops and events, and information about the new Digital Humanities minor offered through the Department of English.

About Hayley Brazier

Hayley Brazier is the DH Program Coordinator for Digital Humanities at the University of Oregon. She is a Graduate Employee and PhD candidate with the Department of History, researching environmental history and seabed technologies. In addition, she has a background in museum studies and historic preservation.